How to Protect Your Phone Screen from Scratches

  The screen remains the   most repaired part   of any mobile phone to date. So while your phone may sustain a few drops at first, the next one might not be favourable. And that reminds us that glass is fragile and would continue to retain its fragility. However, that doesn’t mean you need to prepare to pay a massive amount of money to replace your phone screen when it gets broken. Over here are some tips to protect your phone screen from breaking, smashing, shattering, or cracking! How to protect your phone screen from breaking: Use a tempered glass screen protector Use a bumper case Use a phone ring holder or Pop socket Use a car phone holder Protect your screen with screen protection insurance These few add-ons are the economical way to protect your phone screen from breaking. Let’s check how they might be helpful to you. Use a tempered glass screen protector. One of the great ways to protect your phone screen from shattering is to apply a tempered glass screen protector to it. It a

How to Answer “What Is Your Desired Salary?


 Answer “What Is Your Desired Salary?”

When considering a particular job opening, you take many factors into account. You pay attention to the job responsibilities, corporate culture, company’s values and mission, and, of course, pay. The latter is a major consideration, yet most openings won’t share their salaries straightaway. Which brings you to the need to negotiate that pay, and that’s what often confuses even the top-tier professionals.

The question about your desired salary will inevitably arise during the interview, or sometimes at the resume screening stage. The employer’s motivation for asking this question is pretty clear. They want to hire a candidate who would accept their budgeted salary. And obviously, an employer expects to negotiate a lower salary and save the company money.

Understand what you got on mind before you start negotiating

Before you start the negotiation process, do research to understand the salary range you can realistically expect. As a rule, your pay depends on two factors. On the one hand, it’s predetermined by the industry and area you live in. For example, if the average pay for a Marketing Manager in Lagos is N 300,000 you can expect to earn something near this amount.

On the other hand, the final pay will also depend on your educational level, additional qualifications such as certifications, years on the job, and skills. If you are fluent in English and know the basics of programming, you can expect to make a slightly bigger salary than the industry average.

In any case, researching the average salary will help you negotiate effectively, as you’ll be able to provide arguments for requesting a particular pay. You can use services like PayScale and Glassdoor as a starting point. PayScale allows you to compare your current pay with that of other professionals in your sphere and calculate the pay of your target position. Glassdoor is the well-known resource for researching salaries in a particular company.

How to mention the desired salary on a resume?

Don’t specify the salary unless you are asked  

Sharing the exact amount always works against you. If you write the low amount, you’ll have a hard time negotiating a better pay. And if you write that you expect the high salary, the employer may decline your application without giving it a consideration. With this in mind, avoid specifying your desired salary on a resume or application form if the employer doesn’t specifically ask for it. Otherwise, you may be discriminated against at the application stage!

Say that the salary if negotiable

The best strategy is to write ‘negotiable’ when asked about desired salary. Thus, you kill two birds with one stone. You let the employer know that your demands are flexible based on what they have to offer. And you save yourself room for manoeuver when negotiating salary during the interview.

Answer with a range

When writing ‘negotiable’ is not an option (for example, an online form won’t accept letters instead of figures), reply with a range. Returning to the above Marketing Manager example, you may write N 200,000 to N 250, 000 as a desired salary. In this case, you’ll feel comfortable to negotiate a salary within that range further. This recommendation works at all career levels, from young professionals wondering how to find job after graduation to managers.

As we’ve mentioned above, your expectations need to be realistic. Base your desired salary on such criteria as industry average, location, your previous pay, education and skills.

Negotiating the salary during the interview

Interviewing is when the real salary negotiation takes place. The key strategy here is to stay emphatic yet firm when it comes to negotiating the desired pay.

Learn everything possible about the position first

The same job title might involve varying responsibilities in two different companies. For example, some companies will hire a marketing manager to direct online marketing and advertising activities from inception to completion. And others will additionally require you to determine product pricing strategy, build relationships with media influencers, and handle PR as well.

Obviously, it makes perfect sense to ask for a higher salary in the latter case. However, to realize the workload, you need to learn everything about the position before discussing the salary. If the interviewer brings up this issue early, say “I’d like to find out the key responsibilities and the KPIs of this role so that I could determine a reasonable pay for myself”. For a Marketing Manager role, you might ask what specific product or service you’ll need to promote, and which channels to use (social media, paid ads, offline advertising, or PR).  

Reserve this question for the end of the interview (or the last interview in a series)

Continuing the previous point, as you’re interested in learning as much about the position as possible, the best strategy is to talk figures at the end of the interview. If the interviewer brings up this matter earlier, say “At this point of my career, I’m interested in finding the right position for my skills and abilities. If you consider me as a suitable candidate, I’m willing to talk figures.” 

Note that you’re not refusing to give them a number. You communicate the need to learn more about the position before you can come up with the fair amount. If the interviewer continues to push you for a number, you can reiterate your point. If they are overly pushy, you can give a response using one of the strategies below. On the flip side, if the interviewer’s style is too aggressive, it’s the right moment to question their corporate culture and think whether you’ll feel comfortable working there.

Respond with the range

Now, you’ve got an idea of what the job entails and you’re armed with the knowledge of what people typically earn in such roles. The ideal case scenario for you as a candidate is when the interviewer says the number first. You become the one who agrees or offers other terms of cooperation

Yet, in most cases, you’ll be asked to say the number first. Always respond with the range, for example, N90,000-100,000. Telling a broad range allows you to negotiate the salary you’ll be comfortable with. If you say the amount that’s too low, the interviewer may stick with that amount and you’ll find it hard to ask for more. And, if they think you ask too much, they won’t consider you.

If your current or most recent role paid you lucrative salary, use this fact to turn the conversation in your favor. Say, “Well, while working as a Marketing Manager who directed marketing activities for a cosmetics company and oversaw three junior marketers, I was paid N95,000”. The interviewer won’t be comfortable offering you N80,000 then! This fact serves as a leverage for negotiating your terms.

Know your non-negotiable minimal salary (let’s say, you are used to earning above N70,000) and never agree to be paid below that amount. This will mean the deterioration in your lifestyle, which won’t help your productivity.

Give arguments for claiming your desired salary

So, you’ve decided to ask for N90,000-100,000 for a Marketing Manager role. Yet, simply verbalizing the amount isn’t the best strategy. You need to justify your requirements and prove your professional worth.  

Say: “My research and analysis has shown that the average salary of a Marketing Manager in Austin is N96,000. I have two years of experience with an advertising agency only, but I’ve recently completed the HubSpot Inbound Certification. I also have strong copywriting skills and can create website copy, press releases and more. So, I’d be comfortable earning N90,000-100,000 per year”.

By constructing the response like this, you show that you know your market value. Moreover, such a response gives you an opportunity to reiterate your professional strengths once more. By the way, once you’re hired, you’ll get curious about how to get along well with co-workers – check out our guide on the subject.

Consider benefits and perks as well

When negotiating the salary, don’t consider the actual pay only. Take benefits and perks into account as well. If often happens that the company offers the pay near the bottom line of your range, but offers generous benefits that compensate for a lower pay. Among the benefits you should inquire about are the stock options, pension plan, health insurance, education reimbursement and maternity/paternity leaves.

Ask about performance reviews, pay increase and options for career growth. Again, the company may offer a low starting salary with that grows annually or bi-annually, and lucrative bonuses. And if they offer clear opportunities to move through the ranks, you can significantly grow in salary if you stick with them for a few years.

Talking numbers during the interview: Key takeaways

• Don’t write your desired salary in a resume unless the employer specifically asked you to do so.

• Always respond with a range rather than a fixed number. It gives you room for maneuver while negotiating.

• Justify your requirements. List your skills and experience that qualify you for a higher pay.

• Ask about benefits as well. Sometimes they may have high monetary value that will compensate for a lower salary.

• Know your non-negotiable minimum and stick to it. Don’t take a job that pays below what you are used to, as it will mean lower quality of life for you.

• If you are getting little interviews, order professional resume help. Sometimes a simple resume rewrite can make a huge difference in the outcome of your job search.


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