How to Protect Your Phone Screen from Scratches

  The screen remains the   most repaired part   of any mobile phone to date. So while your phone may sustain a few drops at first, the next one might not be favourable. And that reminds us that glass is fragile and would continue to retain its fragility. However, that doesn’t mean you need to prepare to pay a massive amount of money to replace your phone screen when it gets broken. Over here are some tips to protect your phone screen from breaking, smashing, shattering, or cracking! How to protect your phone screen from breaking: Use a tempered glass screen protector Use a bumper case Use a phone ring holder or Pop socket Use a car phone holder Protect your screen with screen protection insurance These few add-ons are the economical way to protect your phone screen from breaking. Let’s check how they might be helpful to you. Use a tempered glass screen protector. One of the great ways to protect your phone screen from shattering is to apply a tempered glass screen protector to it. It a

Should You Accept the Job Offer? 7 Tips

Getting a job offer is always exciting. You feel happy that the tedious process of job-hunting is finally over, and feel the urge to accept this offer immediately. Yet, it’s a better strategy to slow down and evaluate this offer carefully to understand whether it’s a perfect fit.

During the interviewing process, it’s not only the company who chooses a suitable employee. You should evaluate the potential employer in multiple aspects as well. After all, you are going to spend a few years with the company, so you want to make sure it meets your basic criteria and will bring you fulfillment and professional growth. .

7 tips to evaluate the job offer

As soon as you’ve received a job offer, make sure to evaluate it based on the below criteria. You might need to do extensive research on the company, talk to the people working there or look for online reviews to gather more information.

➤ Does the job meet your basic requirements?

Every professional has basic expectations from the job they are not willing to compromise: job title, responsibilities, working hours and schedule, commute, etc. If you are excited about the company and the role but commuting will take you three hours every day, you are likely to feel tired and discouraged pretty soon. The same works for working schedule. If it’s common for the company employees to work late hours and you would like to spend evenings with your kids, this unlikely will work out. However, if most of your requirements are met, you can try and negotiate the rest – we’ll talk about negotiation below.

➤ Salary and benefits

Salary is another major consideration for accepting or declining a job offer. Check if the offered salary meets the average range for your industry and position. Make sure it matches your level of experience and education – use Know Your Worth online tool to determine the market value of your experience and skills. Don’t accept an offer if the level of pay and benefits are below your expectations. Lower salary means a lower quality of life, and the feeling you’re underpaid is unlikely to make you a motivated employee.

➤ Understand the expectations

Before you dive into the working process, you want to have a clear idea of what is expected from you. What range of responsibilities you’ll be performing day to day? Are the tasks you are expected to focus on those you are actually want to perform? If you’re a digital marketer who wants to focus on copywriting and email marketing but the company expects you to spend a lion’s share of time analyzing competitors, this will unlikely work out. So, clarify the exact responsibilities you’ll be performing to avoid the confusion. Also, ask what makes a successful candidate and how your success will be measured.

➤ Your prospective boss

Your manager can make or break your success in a position. Talk to your prospective boss if you haven’t yet to figure out whether you’ll feel comfortable working under their supervision. Understand their leadership style, personality and style of communication. For example, if you prefer to work autonomously whereas the boss likes to keep everything under their control and micromanage, the conflicts are inevitable. An ideal boss is the one whose working style is similar to yours and who is open for your ideas and suggestions.

➤ Evaluate the corporate culture

Working in a comfortable environment matters a lot for your productivity and job satisfaction. Thus, don’t overlook the corporate culture when evaluating a job offer. Understand what type of culture is best for you. Are you a social animal who thrives in the office hustle or a loner who is most comfortable working in a cubicle on your own? Do you prefer a competitive environment or a collaborative culture where people on the project help each other? Finally, does the company’s mission and values speak to you? If you feel comfortable and get positive vibes in the office, most likely you’ll enjoy working there.

➤ Will this job help you achieve long-term goals?

Review your long-term career goals and ask yourself how getting this offer will help you achieve them. Is the company reputable and the experience there is valued by other players in the industry? Will it help you improve the skill set and make a progression in your career? Will this position use your talents appropriately? If this position meets neither of the above requirements, think which other goals you will accomplish by taking it. Maybe, they offer the salary above the average or allow working remotely so you could take care of the children.

➤ The current company situation

The last but not least important factor to consider is the company’s financial and general stability. If the job description sounds great but the company isn’t profitable, you probably shouldn’t be working there. There’s no guarantee that they will be around in a couple of years. Also, look up for information about employee turnover. If people tend to quit after a few months in the company, it’s a warning sign. Do comprehensive research to figure out as much as possible about the organization. The more you know, the higher are your odds to make an informed choice.

Finally, in addition to analyzing what the company has to offer versus your requirements, it’s always a good idea to follow your intuition. If you feel positive and inspired in the company, this is the sign that you should probably accept that offer.

Should you negotiate the offer?

If the company meets most of your criteria and requirements, it’s a good idea to try and negotiate the rest. The details specified in the offer aren’t final, so go ahead and respond with your suggestions. Keep this in mind when preparing for negotiation:

  • Do research. Your claims of a higher salary or longer vacations should be supported by stats or researches. In other words, support your expectations with facts rather than saying that you want more.
  • See it as a collaboration, not confrontation. You and the hiring manager are on the same side – you want a job and they are interested in hiring you. So, see the negotiation process as a collaboration. Show your genuine interest and be open for a dialogue.
  • Keep your expectations realistic. The company isn’t likely to offer a lot more than what they have already offered. If they typically don’t offer gym membership, tuition reimbursement and work-from-home options, it’s unlikely that they’ll make an exception for you. Thus, if these benefits are important to you, it’s better to reject an offer.



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